
Supercharge your git Experience - Part 1

Azure DevOps

How to configure tooling around Git to make it easier !

nice abstract image

Global Azure Bootcamp - AzugFR

Every year, the Gobal Azure Bootcamp is a worldwide event around Azure !

This year, I offered a session Supercharge your Git Experience & CI et commiter vos secrets !*, now, i’ll explain a bit how it’s working and let you use my setup :-)

commit your secrets

Git Hooks

What are Git Hooks ?

Git hooks are event sent by git before or after operation, like commit, patch, push or pull (and more). You can see them inside the .git folder of any repo. By default, none are active but, you can configure them, they are just scripts.

Theses hooks can help you to run some operation, without needing to run each of them manually:

  • lint
  • commit format validation
  • run tests (units, integration or more)
  • generate a changelog
  • pre-format commit message
  • and many more (sky is the limit)

To know more about hooks : Git Hooks documentation

What are the problems with hooks ?

They are local

As the hooks are local, every people working on the repo need to setup them:

cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/hooks
echo << EOF> pre-commit
  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  echo "Hello World"

The shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash is the best way to select the bash interpreter, and should work better if your team use different os (Windows with WSL2, macOs, Linux)


git rev-parse --show-toplevel will give you the root of the repo, it’s easier for scripting ;)

More on manual hooks

This article explain a bit more about it Medium article

They are scripts

Scripts are good and evil, when someone write it, it’s working, but, how to maintain it?

Complex operation can be tricky

Using bash script can be tricky to run complex command. Of course, you can use Python or Powershell but, it will add more complexity in the process.

How to solve this ?

There’s lot of tool to help, and few years ago, I’ve written an article about pre-commit in this french post Documentation as Code. But in this post, i’ll write about Husky

Husky is a good choice for team who use NodeJS, it’s light and highly configurable !

Install Husky

To install husky, you will need a root package.json to save help sharing the dependencies with your beloved coworkers, you can run npm init or just create a basic one:

cat <<EOF>$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/package.json
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "devDependencies": {}

Now, just run :

# install as devDependencies
npm install -D husky
# create the "prepare" entry to follow the npm auto-installation
npm pkg set scripts.prepare="husky install"
# "prepare" your local computer
npm install
> prepare
> husky install

husky - Git hooks installed

up to date, audited 2 packages in 574ms

1 package is looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Thanks to the prepare, every user will just have to run npm install to get the configuration for all husky config file.

You need to commit the .husky folder, and the package.json to share it.

Basic configuration of Husky

Husky comes with a tool to add hooks, inside the .husky folder, so let’s try it

npx husky add .husky/prepare-commit-msg "echo test from hooks"
npm i

Now, when you run

git add .
git commit -m 'test'
test from hooks # this come from husky
[main 5c75999] add commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

To remove it, just delete the .husky/prepare-commit-msg file :

rm .husky/prepare-commit-msg

Make it smarter

Using lint-staged, we can make husky smarter !

npm i -D lint-staged eslint prettier eslint-config-prettier
cat <<EOF> $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.lintstagedrc.json
  "*.{js,ts}": "eslint --fix",
  "*.{json,md}": "prettier --write"

eslint is a linter for Js/Ts with lot of plugins (support for JSX, Astro and many) prettier is a formatter for Js/Ts etc… eslint-config-prettier is a preset to make eslint and prettier happy together

Let’s try lint-staged alone to avoid issue in husky before adding it :

git add .
npx lint-staged
 Preparing lint-staged...
 Running tasks for staged files...
 Applying modifications from tasks...
 Cleaning up temporary files...

Now we can add it inside husky config using :

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"
npm i
git add .
git commit
 Preparing lint-staged...
 Running tasks for staged files...
 Applying modifications from tasks...
 Cleaning up temporary files...

et voilà

In the next articles i’ll go deeper in this configuration :)

Stay Tuned!